Chateau Borotin - information
As early as in the nineties, at the time when our parents were slowly approaching their retirement age and we began to consider this fact, the thought of social services issues came into our minds. Our hard work in the business sector, however, has prevented its further progress. Seriously, we began to deal with the idea of helping the elderly, and simultaneously going our own way, when our long-time co-workers and employees, to whom we turned for years and on whom we relied, began to enter their well-deserved retirement, replaced with a younger generation. With advancing age, this matter became to be of even greater importance for us, and we also begin to admit the alternative way of living our lives differently than through labour, and labour issues for us now cease to be in first place.
But not only the older generations deserve care, respect and helping hand, but also buildings and historic monuments are worthy of our attention and protection, and it prompted us to bind the history, beauty and experience of the generations with our long-time effort to join the system of care for the elderly. In 2013, we set up a non-profit organization Za sluncem ("In the sunlight"), within which we would like to further develop these activities.
The first step towards realization of the set forth vision is the project of reconstruction of the chateau in the municipality Borotin u Boskovic, where currently a residential care home is being built, and at the same time, a project of renovation of the former recreation resort in Sazava is prepared. In this regard, we would like to continue in the future…
Full extract from the Registration of Associations, kept with the Regional Court in Brno, Section L, Entry 17821
Date of Entry: 1 January 2014
Date of Registration: 14 October 2013
File number: L 17821 registered at the Regional Court in Brno
Title: Za Sluncem z. s.
Headquarters: Koupelni 3908, 695 01 Hodonin, Czech Republic
Identification number: 022 16 604
Legal form: Association
Objectives: The main objectives of the association are support and care for their seniors and people with disabilities towards their worthy life and equal opportunities, as well as prevention of social exclusion and promoting their social inclusion.
Name of the highest authority: General Meeting